SALA Yoga Teacher Training

Learn to teach Yoga at SALA school, facilitated by Sarah Lindsay, with help from Eridani Baker and Kirsty van de Geer.

Whether you feel called to teach yoga, or merely crave the spacious, immersive quality of a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, SALA School is a place to explore, embody and recharge. Run over 6 consecutive weekends in Ponsonby, we invite you to step into your Yoga practise like never before. 

The SALA YTT is Yoga Alliance accredited and has been lovingly developed so that you may deepen your understanding of Yoga but also be empowered to find your own, authentic voice as a teacher. Yoga is not limited to asana technique or technical instruction. At the heart of yoga there must be an inspiration – a feeling or an attitude, which fills the practice with life, so that your yoga becomes a force that transforms your life in line with your own highest intentions.

For more information and all upcoming dates, head to

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